Films That Have Received Dogpile 95 Certificate of
Dogpile #1:
of Darkness: The Making of Terror Firmer
Directed by Gabriel Friedman and Sean McGrath
Produced by Troma Entertainment Inc.
Dogpile #2:
the Love You Cannes: An Indie's Guide to the Cannes Film Festival
Directed by Lloyd Kaufman, Gabriel Friedman, and Sean McGrath
Produced by Troma Entertainment Inc.
Dogpile #3:
Apocalypse Soon: The Making of Citizen Toxie
Directed by Gabriel Friedman
Produced by Troma Entertainment Inc.
Dogpile #4:
Tales From the Crapper
Directed by David Paiko, Brian Spitz, Chad Ferrin, India Allen,
Lloyd Kaufman, Gabriel Friedman, Florian Schura, and Doug Sakmann
Produced by Troma Entertainment Inc.
Dogpile #5:
Doggie Tails Volume 1
Directed by Paul Moisio
Produced by Family Fun
Dogpile #6:
Best of TromaDance Film Festival Volume 1
Produced by Troma Entertainment Inc.
Dogpile #7:
Best of TromaDance Film Festival Volume 2
Produced by Troma Entertainment Inc.